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Ali Bican
Feb 17, 20203 min read
Eat Right, not Less.
You've heard about them and more than likely tried them, so why don't the work. So do 1200 calorie diets work? Initially, yes. Short term...
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Ali Bican
Jun 21, 20183 min read
I need more energy!
"I'm always tired", "I have no energy", "how do you get up and train so early?" Common statements made by clients, friends and...
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Ali Bican
May 22, 20171 min read
Dominos Pizza vs. Homemade
2 slices of pizza, equivalent to 2 bananas.
4 slices of pizza, equivalent to 4 bananas.
How much are you really eating - portion distortion
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Ali Bican
May 17, 20173 min read
8 Tips to Eating Out
You don't have to skip going out, or put off your new plan until next weekend. Some simple ideas to save some calories when eating out.
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Ali Bican
May 5, 20173 min read
5 Bangin' Breakfasts
5 healthy breakfast options, some for post workout, some for everyday and some for any time of day.
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Ali Bican
May 4, 20172 min read
15 Healthy Swaps - Eat out and be social!
15 tips to help you keep your social life whilst achieving your goals.
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Ali Bican
Apr 28, 20172 min read
Stop the Winter Blues
That time of year, it starts getting colder, your bed feels warmer, comfort foods can be tastier. Don't fall into the slide of all these...
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Ali Bican
Mar 23, 20172 min read
What does a serve of Carbohydrate look like?
Did you know that 2 slices of bread is equivalent in energy to one banana?
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Ali Bican
Mar 14, 20175 min read
I broke my pack... (Part 3/3 - Recovery)
Last section here gives you the insight of how your mind can be stronger than your body often, however at this time I HAD to understand...
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Ali Bican
Feb 24, 20174 min read
I broke my back... (Pt 2/3)
After being wheeled up to the ward after 1am that night, it was much of a sleepless night. Throughout the early hours of the morning I...
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Ali Bican
Feb 14, 20173 min read
I broke my back... (Pt 1/3)
July 13th, sounds like a pretty unfortunate date already doesn't it. Well I was going to training that night, the day it snowed in...
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Ali Bican
Feb 7, 20173 min read
20 Ways to BURN MORE!
You don't have to run endlessly day in and day out, you also don't have to go to the gym everyday...
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Ali Bican
Jan 25, 20173 min read
Meal Prep to Success!
You've probably heard all about it, but not sure where to start or why... here's how you'll start reaching you new year goals a
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Ali Bican
Jan 9, 20172 min read
New You - It will take time!
2017 - time to start yet another year off and become a healthier you. Before we start talking about New Years resolutions, because they...
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Ali Bican
Dec 6, 20162 min read
25 Snacks to keep you on Track
SNACK ATTACK 25 snacks to keep the hunger away. So many get caught up in the difficult situation of “what should I have between meals?”,...
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Ali Bican
Dec 2, 20161 min read
It's about the "1%-ers"
Tips to keep you on track: Make small, "one-percenters". Aim for tiny improvements on choices, whether they be activity based or food...
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Ali Bican
Nov 17, 20162 min read
So you want to be 'toned'...
"Toned" is the ultimate goal of most women. They want to be toned, have nice arms, firm butt, legs and a flat tummy. Well, first of all,...
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Ali Bican
Nov 12, 20162 min read
Food Diaries
Starting & keeping a food diary... When getting started onto a new program, it is important to look back at what you are doing NOW -...
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